Friday, November 30, 2012

Cut and paste

To me, finding time to make things is essential to my happiness. It's a trait that I share with my father, always wanting a project to work on. My schedule lately has been hectic to say the least. Running from high school to community college to rehearsals and shows for the musical left me with little time to create. 

The few occasions I was able to find a spare moment I did what stressed-out Addie does best, I baked. Not only did it allow me a calm moment, but I brought the goodies to the cast and crew of the musical I was a part of. I love making others happy, so I gained joy not only from the baking itself but from the smiles and high-fives from those who took one (or more) of my treats. 

Now that the show is over, I find myself with more time on my hands. Even with that, this week has continued to bring stress as my college applications come due and my classes at the community college begin to wrap up for the quarter.

My math teacher says that the world would be a happier place if everyone colored for a few minutes everyday. I think that cutting and pasting are a close second to scribbling with crayons. So, today I took a few minutes (okay, maybe half of an hour) to start on my first holiday gift project- Star Wars snowflakes. I found this project on Pinterest and knew just who it would be perfect for. Not only does working on this project give me a moment of crafty peace, it brings me happiness in the anticipation of giving this gift.

Finding a few moments to do something that brings a calmness to the day adds to the ever important happiness in your life. 

What will you find time for? 

Enjoy today,

P.S. find the printable for these awesome snowflakes here!

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