Monday, January 28, 2013

365 photo challenge: Week 4

This week was the first that I struggled with this project. First, I flat out forgot to take ANY pictures on Wednesday. I really don't know how that happened. Second, I realized once I was in bed, half asleep on Thursday night that I needed a picture, hence the "selfie". Third, I didn't take any pictures on Saturday but the ones of me in my prom dress, which I had to crop since I can't go revealing my dress to the world quite yet. So, moral of the story is that when I get tired, I get forgetful! This week's photos are a bit underwhelming, but I'll try to make up for that next week.

Enjoy today,

Monday, January 14, 2013

365 photo challenge: Week 2

This week was a whirlwind. School, rehearsal, Pilates- I keep myself busy. Saturday was my 18th birthday. I had a lovely and low-key time at my scavenger hunt party on Friday and then spending time with my parents and boyfriend on Saturday. I'm enjoying my photography e-course and I feel like maybe I'm starting to get better at this. So, without further ado, here is week 2 of my 365 photo challenge.

Enjoy today,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


My dad wasn't feeling very well yesterday. I brought him some water, and asked him if he needed anything else. He said waffles. Normally, we wouldn't have had the right ingredients (namely buttermilk) but it just so happened that we had some in the freezer.

So, yesterday I made waffles for my dad. I love to cook, but when it's for someone I love (like my daddy!) it is even more special. While the waffles were cooking, I was thinking. I decided that happiness, once achieved, is nothing unless we share it. Spending time with those I love is great and nothing is better than when they share their happiness with me.

I too want to share my happiness with others. So I'll make waffles and cook dinner and go to coffee. I'll stop on my way to school to buy a doughnut for someone just because. All of these things will bring joy to my day, and to the days of those I touch with kind actions.

Enjoy today,

Monday, January 7, 2013

365 photo challenge: Week 1

This is the first week of my photo challenge. Already I've noticed that I see the little things in life and think about how beautiful they are! The camera on my phone is now my trusty sidekick. I hope you enjoy the photos!

Today also marks the first day of the photography e-course that I received for my birthday. Some of the pictures that I take for that will make it onto this blog! I'm sure not all of them will be winners, though :)

Enjoy today,

Friday, January 4, 2013

Light & simple dinner

The delicious dinner that my mom and I enjoyed last night was so tasty, I just had to share it with you! An added bonus (besides being delicious) is that it's so simple it doesn't require a recipe.

Brie cheese
Salad with crasins, toasted pumpkin seeds, and balsamic dressing (1 T balsamic vinegar, 2 T oil, pinch of pepper, dash of salt)  

Enjoy today,

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

365 photos

Every year I try to challenge myself to something, a resolution of sorts. This year I thought I could use this opportunity to become better at something. I thought about making my goal to blog everyday. Though that would help me become a better blogger, I could see myself getting stuck with little time in the day and a blog post to write. Because I want to improve the quality of this blog, I thought that emphasizing quantity over quality would hinder that improvement. I decided against that challenge.

Many of the blogs that I read (find the list here) have beautiful photographs to accompany the posts. The lovely folks over at those blogs don't usually claim to be professional photographers. Whatever they may say, their photos are, to my untrained eye, professional in quality. I decided that this year I would like to become better at photography. My challenge to myself is to take one picture a day that I can be proud of. At the end of each week, I'll share my photos on this blog.

Here's my first photo:

I can't wait to see how much I improve over the year! On Monday you'll get a chance to see my first six pictures of the new year. I can't wait to share them with you.

Enjoy today,

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 ends

As 2012 ended, a new year began. While on vacation, I found time to reflect on the past year (as I had planned here). What I found was that for me 2012 was all about my happiness. I focused on myself, and learned what makes me happy, and what I need to do to maintain positivity. 

Challenges helped me grow, like taking on the responsibility of being a stage manager. I also grew by building relationships. I focused on finding time to spend with my friends and family and found that happiness only grows when it is shared with those you love. 

I did a lot of growing up this year. With eight months left until I leave for college I have been thinking a lot about who I am and what I want from my life. I decided that whatever happens, my happiness is the most important thing. Salaries and jobs and stuff are nice, but they mean nothing without a joyous life.

I'm excited to continue to share my journey for happiness and simplicity with you.

Enjoy today,

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